Sea1 AmethystArrow down icon
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800 m2
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Bollard Pull
297 t
Offshore Subsea Crane

Sea1 Amethyst

The Sea1 Amethyst has low fuel consumption, low emissions, maximum safe protection for cargo and crew. It is designed for towing and anchor handling, deep water inspection- and construction work. The vessel is equipped with a high capacity gantry crane for anchor and cargo handling, which means safer working environment for the crew.

Built: 2011

Design: VS 491 CD

Class Notation: 1A1 Fire fighter(II) Standby vessel(S) Supply vessel Tug BIS Clean(Design) COMF(V-3) DK(+) DYNPOS(AUTR) E0 HL(2,5/2,8) Ice(C) NAUT(OSV(A)) OILREC SF TMON

Dp Class: 2

LOA: 91.00 m

Breadth: 22.00 m

Draught: 7.95 m

Dwt: 3,951 t

Accommodation: 60

Cargo Deck Area: 800 m2 usable

BHP: 28,000

Bollard Pull: 297 t

FiFi-class: II

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