SEA1 Offshore is committed to providing a safe place to work on all our vessels and to all our employees. We will strive for zero harm to personnel and assets by holding health and safety as our first priorities. We will also strive for zero spills, and to minimize the impact of our operations to the environment.
SEA1 Offshore is committed to understanding and delivering products and services that meet or exceed our customer's requirements.
The policy is supported by management commitment and visibility. We will communicate openly on HSEQ issues and treat them with equal value to financial or production issues.
All personnel have the obligation to stop or delay activities that may place him/her or others at risk of being injured, or which could lead to harm to the environment or damage the equipment.
Every employee or subcontractor working for SEA1 Offshore has a duty to comply with this HSEQ Policy and will be held accountable for their individual performance, and the performance of those working under our supervision. By doing so, we believe we will continuously develop our HSEQ culture and improve our performance.
SEA1 Offshore has a set of Statements and Policies which determine the company standards and approach to HSEQ. They represent the commitment of the management to achieve company goals and objectives. The policies and statements addresses issues like anti-bribery, whistleblowing, modern anti-slavery, sanctions and security.
Business management standards:
Our Integrated Business Management System covers the requirements of various mandatory and voluntary standards:


Supplier databases