School visit on Siem Thiima
Recently, a group of students from Karratha Senior High School in WA, visited Siem Thiima to learn about the different career pathways and options in the maritime industry.
Siem Thiima recently had a special visit from students from Karratha Senior High School in Western Australia. Out of 50 applications, 12 students were chosen to come on board, accompanied by two teachers.
The students were welcomed and inducted by our newly promoted Captain Aden Felstead, who had only spent his first week as Captain. The children were split into two groups of 6, and went on a tour of the bridge, while the other 6 went on a tour of the engine room together with Chief Engineer Michael Richardson. Here, they were also shown around the newly installed battery on board, before breaking up for lunch. Joe, the cook on board, made some great pizza slices and hotdogs for the visitors. After lunch, the children swopped around and went onto to the bridge or engine room activity.
The students learned about the different career pathways and options in the maritime industry, and lots of good questions were asked by the potential future mariners.
This was a great collaboration between Siem Offshore and Karratha Senior High School, and hopefully there are many more school visits to come!