Contract award and extension OSCV
The Company hasentered into a contract with an undisclosed client for operations in South EastAsia. The project will utilize the OSCV "Siem Barracuda" for ascope of work consisting of subsea preparatory work required for the constructionof a new offshore wind farm. The contract has a firm duration of 5 months plusoptions, and will commence around year end following the completion of thevessel’s current contract in the same region.
Also, the OSCV“Siem Stingray” has received an extension of 2 months on her current contract,before undertaking a battery power installation, which is one of severalmeasures being undertaken to reduce our environmental footprint. Uponcompletion of the battery installation she will be mobilized for the contractpreviously reported on July 28th 2021, for utilization until Q4 2022 plus options within the UK Offshore windmarket.